Santa Maria sopra Minerva

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The statue of Christ the Redeemer to the left of the sanctuary is, with some necessary qualification, by Michelangelo. It was originally commissioned by Metello Vari and Pietro Castellani in 1514, but the master only started work in 1519. This was because the first attempt was a failure which he discarded when a black inclusion emerged in the marble. Vari took the unfinished first attempt for his garden, but this was sold on in 1607 and only in 2000 was it recognized in the church of San Vincenzo Martire in Bassano Romano. In 1521 Michelangelo left Rome and delegated the completion of the work to his school. Pietro Urbano took over the work, but apparently had to give up when he made a mess of it and so the job was finally finished by Federico Frizzi.
(Plan location #26)

(Photo borrowed from internet)
© deAlvariis